Saturday, October 13, 2018


Homepage POWER TRIP Male Pain Is Male Power Men hold the world hostage to their fragility and vulnerability — making female pain the inevitable cost of their comfort Sady Doyle Follow Oct 9 Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images “I was very emotional last Thursday,” Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh wrote in the Wall Street Journal a few days before his confirmation, “more so than I have ever been. I might have been too emotional at times.” “Emotional” was one way to put it. Anyone who read those sentences knew what he was referring to: the wailing, screeching, raging monologue Kavanaugh put the nation through in response to being credibly… 3 You read a lot. We like that. You’re out of free exclusive stories for this month. Upgrade now for $5/month. Upgrade 4.3K WRITTEN BY Sady Doyle Author of “Trainwreck: The Women We Love to Hate, Mock, and Fear… and Why” (Melville House, 2016). Seen at Elle, In These Times, and all across the Internet. Follow MEDIUM MAGAZINE Power Trip Power is political. In November, the U.S. midterms will be a referendum on the power of an unprecedented female-led electoral resistance, the power of the presidency, and the power of media. Power is also personal. How we conceive of it. How we express it. And how we get it. This month, Medium examines power at the intersections of the political and the personal, exploring how borders, Big Tech, the media, lawmakers, and activists alike are changing what it means to be in charge. ‘Yoga Guru Pattabhi Jois Sexually Assaulted Me for Years’ It took me 20 years to reclaim my agency and overturn the shame Karen RainOct 9 What to Do When You Witness Sexual Harassment at Work Even if you’re not the target, seeing harassment happen can mean emotional and professional consequences Rae NudsonOct 9 Tesla’s Union Battle Is About the Future of Our Planet Want a better world? Don’t leave workers behind. Casey WilliamsOct 9 The Power of Strutting in a Black Body It’s a vision of a free black future that keeps us on our feet Jabari AsimOct 8 Homepage About Help Legal

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